Standard POSTE Kurdistan

Bulky (length up to 2m/30 kg or 2-2.5 m/10 kg; circumference max. 4m)

Point Services
My shipment contains

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 10.

- Shipping Rule Your package must contain individual materials only.

- The shipping rule states that your package should only contain individual materials, i.e. items that are not packaged or combined with other items.

-All valuables and electrical appliances are not allowed
     This rule means that valuables and electrical appliances are not allowed in the shipping package. This is likely to be due to security restrictions or restrictions on items that can be carried. It is advisable to check for details on shipping restrictions.

- We are not responsible for the disappearance of any electrical equipment or valuables

-For shipments of electrical equipment or valuable materials, please refer to the co-category of shipments

- Click here for more information on shipping electrical appliances.

- Click here for more information on shipping valuable materials.
-Any goods are not authorized if you send it as a private We are not responsible for it when seized by customs and all responsibility lies with the sender.

- No bulk material is allowed and includes commercial grade grades

- Please notify us of the presence of any commercial or electrical equipment before sending your equipment so that we can guide you


Specific References